Castlerahan Community

History timeline

History of Castlerahan Community Centre

A Community Hall was originally opened in Castlerahan Parish on 17th March, 1922, however, only a few years later, was destroyed by fire. This building was finally replaced in 1927 on an alternative site and served the Castlerahan community until 2013.

During the mid-nineties, an original meeting was arranged to discuss the potential of building a new Community Centre in Castlerahan. Discussions in relation to the Parochial Farm took place around 2000 – 2001. Following some time and further discussions, a lease on the property was signed, effective from 1st January 2007, for an agreed nominal fee of €1,000 per annum.

While the initial intention was to develop a Community Centre, a funding opportunity arose which allowed us to first develop a community pitch and surrounding Nature walk in 2008. This was officially opened in 2009. The Community Centre was later constructed and opened in 2013.

In the following years, we continued to develop many facilities or improvements on behalf of the Castlerahan Community. Since 2019, we have replaced the ball stop net and installed a perimeter fence at the lower end of the pitch, while improving the existing grass area and reseeding some additional areas. In October 2020, in collaboration with Cavan County Council working as part of the National Broadband Plan, we became the first Broadband Connection Point to go live in County Cavan. We are now expanding this to facilitate remote working desks for those in the community who are struggling to obtain Broadband at home so they can have somewhere they can access the internet locally. We have also upgraded the main entrance mid- 2021.